Plans have been put forward to transform two floors of a recently rebuilt pub into flats.

The Carlton Tavern in Maida Vale made headlines after it was demolished without planning permission in 2015, only for developers CLTX to then apply for permission to build flats on the site.

Westminster Council enforcement action was upheld at a planning inquiry, and it was ordered that the pub was rebuilt in "facsimile".

Punters were then welcomed back to the watering hole in 2021 after it was rebuilt.

New plans were submitted last month by developers Stantec, proposing to turn the first and second floors into living space.

Brent & Kilburn Times: A picture showing the Carlton Tavern being rebuilt in 2019A picture showing the Carlton Tavern being rebuilt in 2019 (Image: Street View)

The document says that both floors are “completely unused” since the pub’s reopening, as the entire bar area operates at the ground floor and essential facilities including the kitchen are at the basement level.

Historically the kitchen was based on the first floor before its demolition, but Westminster Council agreed to relocate it.

Stantec proposes to introduce three residential units – two one-bed apartments and one two-bed apartment -  which can be accessed through a “secure and separated access route”.

An enclosed area for four cycle parking spaces are planned for the back of the site, but there are no intentions to introduce car park spaces.

Pub operators Homegrown Pubs have given their support for the development.


Thomas Rees and Benjamin Martin, joint directors of Homegrown Pubs, wrote in a letter: “We support the proposals and see no reason why they should be refused. These works should not impact the pub’s trading in any detrimental fashion.

“We believe these works can be broadly supportive of the long-term trading position of the pub alongside the benefits of the works to the amenity and security of the building in general.”

Stantec said: “The site represents a key opportunity for optimisation, given the upper floors are unused by the public house operators and therefore surplus to requirements.

“The proposals will deliver three new residential units, helping to address partially unmet housing need in the borough.”