A man who admitted to the “senseless” killing of a young woman has been detained in hospital.

Keven Antonio Lourenco De Morais, of Neeld Crescent, Wembley, last month pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of 27-year-old Tejaswini Kontham by diminished responsibility.

The 24-year-old stabbed the young woman, who was from Hyderabad in India, and another 28-year-old woman at a home in his street on June 13 last year.

Tejaswini died at the scene from a stab wound to her chest, while the second woman was rushed to hospital, where her injuries were later assessed as not life-threatening.

On April 22, alongside his guilty plea for the killing of Tejaswini, Lourenco De Morais also admitted to the attempted murder of his second victim.

Yesterday (May 30), he was sentenced to a hospital order at Isleworth Crown Court.

Speaking after sentencing, Shiva Namashivaya said on behalf of Tejaswini’s family: “The senseless and sudden way in which Teju was taken from us compounds our grief.

“Her death is such a huge loss for our family and we all miss her dearly.”

Detective Inspector Louise Caveen said: "This entire incident has been devastating for all concerned.

“One young woman lost her life and another woman will likely never recover from the emotional scars, even when the physical ones have faded.

“It is right that Lourenco De Morais will now receive treatment, however nothing will bring Tejaswini back to her family. Our thoughts remain with them.”