Plans to replace a house with a block of flats have been approved despite concerns it will "open the floodgates" to more development and and "pose a direct threat" to the safety of nursery children.

Developer Salmon Street Property applied to demolish a detached house on the corner of Salmon Street and Queens Walk - on the outskirts of Wembley – and replace it with a part-three, part-four-storey apartment block with 13 flats.

The plan was approved by split decision at the latest meeting of Brent Council’s planning committee on June 11, with two councillors voting against it.

Addressing the committee, Junaid Iqbal, who lives next door to the site, called the development a "severe downgrade for the community". He said it will "burden residents with increased traffic, parking issues, noise, and pollution".

Mr Iqbal also claimed it will "significantly impact" their quality of life and suggested the disruption caused is ‘solely for developers’ financial gain’ and not for the benefit of the local area. He feels that the increased car usage in the area will create a ‘parking nightmare’ along the road.

The application received more than 25 objections, which included a backlash from residents and a local nursery, who felt it would exacerbate existing parking issues, disrupt their "peaceful coexistence" by "opening the floodgates" to developers, and pose a danger to children.

St Nicholas School, Salmon Street. Image Credit: Google MapsSt Nicholas School, Salmon Street. Image Credit: Google Maps

St Nicholas Nursery, which is situated close to the site, claimed the development will worsen congestion, as well as "posing a direct threat" to children’s safety.

They said: “The congested streets stemming from increased traffic and inadequate parking provisions directly impact the safety of children in transit to and from St. Nicholas Nursery. Narrow, crowded roads increase the likelihood of accidents and create an unsafe environment for our young attendees.”

Speaking on behalf of developers, architect Kieran Stevens told the committee that the plan will deliver a "high quality living environment" that has been "carefully designed" in relation to the adjacent properties.

Salmon Street Development CGI. The developers claim it will provide much needed housing. Image Credit: Autor ArchitectureSalmon Street Development CGI. The developers claim it will provide much needed housing. Image Credit: Autor Architecture

As a condition of approval, Salmon Street Property agreed to contribute £29,000 towards the council’s ‘healthy streets’ programme and highways improvements to address safety issues, including the "dangerous" double mini-roundabout further along Salmon Street.

The developer claims the project will provide a range of key planning and regeneration benefits for the area. This includes the redevelopment of a brownfield site, the delivery of much needed housing, funds that can be used towards financing local infrastructure, as well as attracting new residents who will contribute to and boost the local economy through local spending.

The approval means the scheme will deliver 13 new flats, comprising three studios, two one-bedroom, four two-bedroom, and four three-bedroom apartments.

However, none of these will be classed as ‘affordable housing’ as costs meant it would be "unviable" to do so.

Instead, the council has agreed a ‘payment in lieu contribution’ towards off-site affordable housing within the borough – which matched the surplus (£41,000).

The plan was approved in line with officers initial recommendation, however, two members of the committee voted against it.

Cllr Saqib Butt opposed it on the grounds of the building’s ‘bulk and massing’, while Cllr Robert Johnson was concerned about the lack of affordable housing and described the developer’s £41,000 contribution towards affordable housing elsewhere as "miniscule".