Letters, contributions and comments sent in from Times’ readers this week.

Steven Jones, address provided, writes:


Avoid infection

NHS protection

TV’s getting boring

Neighbours are snoring

In the afternoon.

Shopping queues

Little to choose

No paper for poos

Everything’s getting hazy

Kids are going crazy

In the afternoon.

Hair needs a cut

But hairdressers are shut

Could let it grow, but?

Politicians are just talking

I’m allowed to go walking

In the afternoon.

Patrick Diniz, 11, Year 6 pupil at Chalkhill Primary School, writes:

A Poem by Patrick

I am Covid-19,

I am so powerful

I attacked the mighty China first,

And now I have prevailed all over the world,

I am omnipresent

I am invisible

hence no one takes me seriously at the start,

But within two weeks some might feel

slight cough and fever

then within hours I get to their lungs drowning inside, gasping for air

But I am more dangerous than you think

Sometimes tanks of oxygen are not enough to save a man

The doctors and nurses are the only saviours but even then

I don’t always spare neither the future king nor the prime minister

I bring depression and fear among everybody,

I have reduced the population,

And in lockdown not many trades and businesses run.

But some fools still don’t believe in isolation

If you love and care

Then face masks and gloves you must wear,

Stay at home and if for right reasons you go then ensure you stay 2 metres apart.

I know I am going to be remembered in history, even after I depart.

But for now you should all play your part.

You might pray to God this Easter

That I am destroyed, and that your world is back to how it used to be.

But look at all the good I have done,

You mistreated the Mother Earth

You polluted its soul,

you killed the animals

Whereas I have reduced the pollution.

I have made people talk to each other

House party and Zoom now boom

Animals are free to breathe

If you want me to go away-

Remember I came here to remind you

Each day is precious

Look after Earth

and nature reigns supreme

Stay at home